Discussed below are a few tips on how to keep your homes comfortable this winter and save more money on energy bills.
First, top-quality window coverings have good insulating properties. In winter, they minimize heat transfer out of the window. In the summer, they help prevent heat transfer in the window. Insulation is typically more important in cold climates than hot because in the wintertime, depending on the region where you reside, the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors could be up to 70 degrees or even more. While in the summertime the differences are rarely more than 30 degrees. Because the rate of heat transfer increases as the temperature difference increases, an appropriate amount of insulation is important.
Solar heat control
Secondly, window coverings help with solar heat control. In summer, solar heat control becomes more important than insulation. Solar heat is brought into the home by direct or reflected sunlight. The sunlight becomes hot when it warms the air and the furnishings in its path. The warmed furnishings, in turn, give off heat to the room. To maintain comfort, the warmed room must be cooled, requiring more electricity and cost than would be needed if the solar energy had been properly controlled by window coverings.
A third and often ignored factor of energy efficiency and window coverings is related to an effect called day-lighting. Day-lighting is a window covering the ability to disperse incoming sunlight, soften it, and bring it deeper into a room. Apart from reducing glare and improving visual comfort, day lighting can also save energy by reducing the need for electrical lighting.
Open curtains on your south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home, and close them at night to reduce the chill you may feel from cold windows.
Use a heavy-duty, clear plastic sheet on a frame or tape clear plastic film to the inside of your window frames during the cold winter months. Ensure the plastic is sealed tightly to the frame to help reduce infiltration. Install tight-fitting, insulating drapes, or shades on windows that feel drafty after weatherizing.
Carry out maintenance on your heating systems. Try as much as possible to keep your systems working optimally.
Furnaces: Change your furnace filter every month. Source for more information about maintaining your furnace or boiler.
Wood- and Pellet-Burning Heaters: Clean the flue vent regularly and clean the inside of the appliance with a wire brush periodically to ensure that your home is heated efficiently.
For more information on Energy-Efficient Windows, contact Texas Window today. Our team of experts will be happy to help.